How to take a wonderful cultural trip inside Paris
with your Mobile phone, iPhone,Smartphones, MP3 players...
Discover the beautiful quarters, monuments, romantic areas, shopping stores... from home or while wondering in Paris with your mobile.
Welcome to the first PARIS eGuides, the audio and the video guides versions, which give you a wonderful cultural trip inside Paris to discover the famous quarters and the monuments of the City of light from home or while wondering in Paris with any MP3 player, mobile phone, iPhone and iPod. In the past called the city of light, Paris is still beautiful and it makes real many peaple dreams when they discover the medieval quarters, the beautiful gardens, the luxury stores, the special restaurants...
When arriving in Paris, you'll be surprised by the good restaurants, hotels, shows and spectacles, famous museums and monuments, artists exhibits, life nights, shopping stores. So order now the original Paris Guides from the link inside the mail message you'll receive just after the validation of your payment.